When towing another vehicle, the maximum distance allowed between the two vehicles depends on the type of vehicles being towed. If neither of the vehicles is a motorbike, the maximum distance allowed is **4m** between the vehicles. If at least one of the vehicles is a motorbike, the maximum distance allowed is **2.5m** between the vehicles.
It is important to note that when towing a trailer or a vehicle with a rigid towing system on the open road, the maximum speed you are allowed to drive is **90kph**.
Here are some websites that discuss If You Tow Another Vehicle, What Is The Maximum Distance Allowed Between The Two Vehicles?:
- [RACQ](https://www.racq.com.au/car/towing/towing-other-cars)
- [Short Fact](https://short-fact.com/when-towing-another-vehicle-what-is-the-maximum-distance/)
- [Bike Hike](https://bikehike.org/how-many-car-lengths-safe-to-travel-behind-a-car/)
- [Wise Answer](https://wise-answer.com/what-should-your-following-distance-be-when-towing-a-trailer/)
- [Driving Tests](https://www.drivingtests.co.nz/roadcode-questions/car/theory/if-you-tow-another-vehicle-what-is-the-m/)
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