What Component Of A Food Is Responsible For An Allergic Reaction? written
Food allergies occur when immunoglobulin E (IgE), part of the body’s immune system, binds to food molecules. A protein in the food is usually the problem. This triggers the release of inflammatory chemicals such as histamine.
The most common foods which may cause allergies include:
- Milk and milk based products such as cheese, cream, butter
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Treenuts such as walnuts and pecans
- Soya
- Seafood
- Shellfish
- Wheat
It is important to note that not all proteins cause allergies. Some proteins are more likely to cause allergies than others. For example, peanuts are more likely to cause allergies than other nuts.
The symptoms of food allergy range from mild to life-threatening and can include:
- Abdominal pain/cramps
- Bloating
- Tingling/itching in the mouth
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Wheezing
- Swelling of the tongue
- Trouble swallowing
- Dizziness
- Weak pulse/drop in blood pressure
- Symptoms of shock such as skin rash (hives) and flushed skin.
If you suspect you have a food allergy, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment depends on the severity and mainly involves management of the symptoms.
Here are some websites that discuss What Component Of A Food Is Responsible For An Allergic Reaction?:
1. [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20355095)
2. [Your Wise Answers](https://yourwiseanswers.com/what-component-of-a-food-is-responsible-for-an-allergic-reaction/)
3. [Roobytalk](https://roobytalk.com/what-component-of-a-food-is-responsible-for-an-allergic-reaction/)
4. [Lakhiru](https://lakhiru.com/what-component-of-a-food-is-responsible-for-an-allergic-reaction/)
5. [Microsoft Start](https://microsoftstart.msn.com/en-us/health/ask-professionals/expert-answers-on-foodandconditions/hp-foodandconditions?questionid=bwqr5zp1&type=nutrition&source=bingmainline_nutritionqna)
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